Final draft of the DVD cover.
I sat down with LMC staff today to watch the finished film. To say I was on "pins-and-needles" is like saying the Earth is a little bit round.
You see, I've watched Journey Home from start to finish four times. Every time I watch it I still well up with tears at the "sad" part, get goosebumps at the "happy" part and generally just watch in awe of the amount of work that goes into saving (or trying to save) injured sea turtles.
It's at once inspiring and heart-breaking. But, much like a writer does after he/she finishes their work, I also see every little flaw...every "bad" audio transition...every "shaky" camera moment. So, truly, I had no idea how someone else would react while watching the film.
I feel better about it today, after sitting through a viewing with LMC staff. There was enough genuine "oohs and ahs" to let me know it is an excellent documentary. I think the high-fives were also well-placed.
This means a lot to me. I am actually very self-effacing. Very rarely do I finish a creative work and feel like it's "awesome."
Well, Journey Home is AWESOME.
So, as it stands now we're on target for a late-September premier at LMC (or early Oct.). I told the folks at the center that I'm more than game to be on hand for the first showings and sign copies of the DVD. I can't wait to see what people who are "new" to sea turtles think of it. Will it be too graphic...too sad...will it inspire them...will it give them a sense of hope???? ... I just have to wait and see.


A still from the movie taken from a video grab (and that's all you get for now! lol)
19 minutes and 25 seconds of the final film...complete!
There's still a lot of work ahead but the most "difficult" scenes to edit are now behind me.
My obvious problem is cutting the audio (being that I'm completely deaf in my right ear and have significant hearing loss in my left). I have to strain to hear the "highs and lows" of each track in the clip. Still, no matter how long it takes me, I do it.
Now, as I look at roughly half the completed film (and truly some very, very beautiful scenes), I think I can feel that slight tug of a smile at the corner of my mouth.
One interesting thing has been working on special effects in post production. Now you might be tempted to say, "wtf, special FX in a sea turtle doc???"...but - trust me - these additions work wonderfully in the segments. 
I would post more clips here but I'm going to make you wait for it. You don't have much longer to wait, though. I am on schedule to deliver the film by Aug. 25.



The final cut for the title sequence for Journey Home...

A video grab taken from one of the interview segments (crossfade from interviewee to footage of injured turtle).
Wowsers! Eleven minutes and 30 seconds. That's how much "final footage" I've completed as of this moment. It's getting there...
I'll be posting a very short clip of the "final" cut for the title sequence here shortly.  Just thought I'd let all of you know to look for it.


I was able to get a little more B-roll footage from a quick trip out to LMC today. Still waiting on the final piece to the puzzle - an interview with the head vet at the turtle clinic. Schedules are hard to nail down right now. However, after I get that done, I'll put the film together!!! :)

LMC staff got me in their picture, while I was shooting Trace's pre-release activities.
Trace made a successful journey back to the ocean May 16, from Delray Beach. The dark skies, the rain...even the waves cut Trace a break as he took off in calm, warm waters.
This is a question that keeps popping up from time to time. Usually it's when I meet new people and tell them about the documentary. The first thing they ask is, "where will I be able to see it?"
Because of the agreement made with Loggerhead MarineLife Center, the film (in DVD format) will be sold exclusively through their gift shop at LMC's campus. That is chiefly so the film's distribution can go towards directly helping the injured/ill sea turtles at the center. 
Part of what I am doing is delivering more than 200 copies of the DVD (in cases with printed "dust jackets") to LMC. Since  am not accepting payment for the film or DVDs, they will be able to use all of the revenue for food, medical supplies and other logistical expenses related to turtle rehab.
So that's the long-winded way to answer the original question. If you wish to see Journey Home, I ask that you purchase a copy from Loggerhead MarineLife Center (please note they DO NOT have the film yet).
The other way to see the film will be to attend a screening (likely at LMC or a venue here in south Florida) or catch it at any of the film fests I will be entering it in.
But, hey, that's all still a long way off. I'm not done filming yet and post production will take a few months. I still aim to screen the film for the first time by the end of July. ...ok, that just made my heartbeat go up!


When I go through and look at the stats for how many views I've had for certain blog posts, I've come to realize one thing in earnest. People like "action." Yeah, I know..."duh."
One of the pitfalls in doing a website and blog, while still filming the documentary is that it provides plenty of down-time between action. If this were a pure nature doc (that is to say, if I were filming animals in the wild), every post would contain some kind of "action."
Truth is Journey Home is still waiting for a few key events before I can start putting the exciting bits together. Don't get me wrong, the rehab center is still going full-tilt and new turtles come in every week. For me, now, it's like a 1,000-piece jigsaw puzzle and I only have about four or five pieces to put in.
So, for now, the exciting news is that I fixed my HD underwater camera! I was really bummed when one of the waterproof latched malfunctioned but through a little research (and a lot of patience keeping me from hurling it across the room) I was able to find and apply a solution.
So, when it comes time for the "big" release scene, I've at full strength in the camera department! :)
...now, if I could only find a volunteer to act as my second camera person....

As promised, here are a few more details on the contest, which is set to begin at midnight tonight!
Each part of the contest will include some trivia about the film (the answer will be based off of information on this website) AND by the number of NEW viewers you can bring to this blog. Easy? Yes.
I will pick one winner daily and they will recieve a handwritten post card from me with an image of one the the actual rescued turtles from the film!
A second part of the contest, with a cool Grand Prize package, will be announced soon!
So, be ready to repost the link and get your friends to visit the blog!
Less than 12 hours until the first question!!!!