When I go through and look at the stats for how many views I've had for certain blog posts, I've come to realize one thing in earnest. People like "action." Yeah, I know..."duh."
One of the pitfalls in doing a website and blog, while still filming the documentary is that it provides plenty of down-time between action. If this were a pure nature doc (that is to say, if I were filming animals in the wild), every post would contain some kind of "action."
Truth is Journey Home is still waiting for a few key events before I can start putting the exciting bits together. Don't get me wrong, the rehab center is still going full-tilt and new turtles come in every week. For me, now, it's like a 1,000-piece jigsaw puzzle and I only have about four or five pieces to put in.
So, for now, the exciting news is that I fixed my HD underwater camera! I was really bummed when one of the waterproof latched malfunctioned but through a little research (and a lot of patience keeping me from hurling it across the room) I was able to find and apply a solution.
So, when it comes time for the "big" release scene, I've at full strength in the camera department! :)
...now, if I could only find a volunteer to act as my second camera person....

4/2/2012 09:14:17 am

only 4 or 5 pieces to go.. they will fit perfectly.. and the film will be complete... ((: Remember.. no "human" planning.. it is all up to the "subject" of the film.. here on out........ Kim

Just Me, Jersey Girl
4/2/2012 11:14:56 am

I cannot comment for everyone who reads this blog, but I think you're doing just fine. I give you lots of credit; filming, blogging, working, and more filming. I don't know how you manage all that you are currently doing, and let's not forget your eternal fight with Meneire's. I always say; take care of you, first, and the pieces will fall into place,


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