Final draft of the DVD cover.
I sat down with LMC staff today to watch the finished film. To say I was on "pins-and-needles" is like saying the Earth is a little bit round.
You see, I've watched Journey Home from start to finish four times. Every time I watch it I still well up with tears at the "sad" part, get goosebumps at the "happy" part and generally just watch in awe of the amount of work that goes into saving (or trying to save) injured sea turtles.
It's at once inspiring and heart-breaking. But, much like a writer does after he/she finishes their work, I also see every little flaw...every "bad" audio transition...every "shaky" camera moment. So, truly, I had no idea how someone else would react while watching the film.
I feel better about it today, after sitting through a viewing with LMC staff. There was enough genuine "oohs and ahs" to let me know it is an excellent documentary. I think the high-fives were also well-placed.
This means a lot to me. I am actually very self-effacing. Very rarely do I finish a creative work and feel like it's "awesome."
Well, Journey Home is AWESOME.
So, as it stands now we're on target for a late-September premier at LMC (or early Oct.). I told the folks at the center that I'm more than game to be on hand for the first showings and sign copies of the DVD. I can't wait to see what people who are "new" to sea turtles think of it. Will it be too graphic...too sad...will it inspire them...will it give them a sense of hope???? ... I just have to wait and see.


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