I've been reading a lot lately. Mostly, I've been researching turtle behavior and the history of sea turtle conservation.
One book unrelated to the marine reptiles was "Moby Duck," by Donovan Hohn. It talks about the proliferation of plastics and plastic waste in our oceans.
Hohn was intrigued by "legendary" stories of a cargo container spill in the Pacific Ocean that (among other things) tossed thousands of toy plastic animals into the ocean. The animals, which were popularized by the "rubber" ducks among the group, would eventually traverse the ocean for years...even passing through the Northwest Passage and making landfall on the east coast of the U.S.
It's a great read but it also makes you think. Especially when it comes to sea turtles.
Part of what Hohn writes about are the "ghost nets," making their way around the world collecting and killing countless wildlife in their paths.
These nets are derelict pieces of commercial fishing gear made out of synthetic fibers that weigh (in some cases) thousands of pounds. And there are untold numbers of these lost or broken nets out there.
I see the result of some of the derelict gear at the turtle clinic at LMC.
Turtles that have come in with filament still wrapped around limbs, in their stomaches or around their necks. Rarely does it end well for the turtle who ingested plastic netting or line.
Of course, it's not just turtles that are being killed by the trash we humans have carelessly tossed into our seas.
Birds, dolphins, whales, sharks...most every other living thing in the water is negatively affected. Our own health is at risk, too. After all, where do you think our seafood comes from?
I guess the bottom line for the film...for Journey Home... is trying to put a spotlight on these man-made dangers. I'm hoping a little inspiration, a little knowledge, will someday result in change.
Laurel Roop
3/19/2012 09:49:30 am

you are truly amazing!

Kim Byrne
3/19/2012 11:39:51 am

Excellent as usual... I had no doubt. You keep increasing my reading list as well. Great work Rick.. Your work amd dedication will be rewarded by knowing you are educating...and teaching, one day at a time, one turtle at a time.......Kim


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