As the U.S. Coast Guard C-130 taxied towards the small crowd of sea turtle rehab personnel, you could almost hear Samuel L. Jackson dealing out a profanity-ridden line involving turtles on a plane.
The operation undertaken today in Orlando involved more than a dozen federal, state, local and private organizations.
When the wheels of the plane skidded to a halt and the ramp came down, USCG crew members were preparing for New England Aquarium staffers to begin the unloading process.
35 cold stunned sea turtles rescued on the shores of Cape Cod are now finding hope (and much warmer weather) in Florida.
The massive operation unfolded without a hitch and Loggerhead Marinelife Center received five loggerhead turtles from the flight. LMC staff moved quickly to secure and transport the new patients back to the center in Juno.
I was lucky enough to have a "front-row seat" for the events today and filmed it all. The footage conveys how coordinated and expertly executed the operation was from the flight arrival to landing and offloading to ground transport of all of the turtles in less than 40 minutes.
I can't describe how proud I am to see that kind of cooperation and effort.

Turtle Power!!!


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