Journey Home crew gather beach-side pub to discuss the film & eat fried pickles.
I sat down today with production coordinator Kim Byrne and music director Mike White and hashed out the "big" plans for the Journey Home re-shoot.
Mostly, I talked about the vision for the new film and the challenges inherent to the continuing production.
Mike and Kim are great. I finally feel like I am no longer taking every detail of the production onto my shoulders. I now have two highly talented and capable people helping to craft the best documentary we can make.
We also talked about funding and support....marketing and publicity. These things go hand-in-hand. The problem is how to widen the circle of folks who support the film. Social networking is great but only to the point that this website and blog expand beyond simply the sum of my friends and followers.

It was a good meeting and one that left me jazzed and motivated!


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